Saturday, December 30, 2017

Is Trump A Crusader Or A Prophet?

                          THE CRUSADER

So 2018 is Israel’s 70th birthday, and many believe that it was not a coincidence that Donald Trump formally recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel just prior to this very important anniversary.  In fact, the US Embassy in Jerusalem should be ready to open by the time, May 14th rolls around.
But even more incredible is the fact that President Trump’s announcement took place on the 17th of Kislev, which is the precise date on the Hebrew calendar when the Partition Plan for Palestine was adopted by the UN General Assembly in 1947.
2017 is exactly 70 years from 1947, and many are drawing parallels between that period of time and the 70 year Babylonian exile that we read about in the Bible.  Of course the Babylonian exile was formally ended by King Cyrus, and many have compared Trump to a modern day Cyrus.
Donald Trump won the Presidential election on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s seventh year, seventh month and seventh day in office.
On Trump’s first full day in office he was 70 years, 7 months and 7 days old, and it happened in year 5777 on the Hebrew calendar. Year of 5 for Grace and Triple 7 for final completion and Jubilee. Donald Trump was born exactly 700 days before Israel declared independence on May 14th, 1948.
777 days after Trump’s birth, Israel was exactly 77 days old.
Israel’s 70th anniversary will come exactly 700 days after Donald Trump’s 70th birthday.The signs and indications are all in place.

So here are facts for educative and enlightenment purposes:
1. Donald Trump self-sponsored himself throughout the campaign and finally the election...the very first politician to have done that in the history of USA politics
2. In other words... there are no SPECIAL INTEREST...GROUPS OR CULT that co-sponsored his election
3. Almost every Presidential candidate before his foray into the Presidential position solicited for his funds which he generous gave.
4. I'm not surprised by the alleged aggression towards ladies which probably happened when he was in the throes of his adolescence that comes with wealth
5. Nonetheless...there are facts you need know about the 45th President of the USA...Donald Trump is a complete "teetotaller"...he's a disciplinarian of the top echelon as none of his children...drinks...smoke or has a dot of tattoo on their skin same as Trump!
6. The only telephone call he picks under a tight schedule is call from any of his children which is a mark of one who doesn't joke with any of his children albeit his grandchildren
7. He was earning $220 - $250 million dollars monthly and now as President of USA...he earns "NADA"! I repeat $1 dollars as refusing to earn his income is a violation of the constitution so he deliberately earns a dollar and donates his remaining $399 thousand not millions but $399 thousand dollars to charity every month which means he will be TAX-FREE throughout his term as PRESIDENT OF THE American President has ever done it!!
8. He was accurately predicted that he would win the Presidency as far back as almost a decade ago
9. He's extremely versatile in almost every subject but also a perfectionist
10. He believes ABSOLUTELY in the HOLY CREED! He's it! He believes in the HOLY CREED! That was why he couldn't keep a's divorce and remarriage! He has abrogated the Lind-ford Johnson law preventing Christian Organisations from ever campaigning for any candidate! He has also removed and uprooted from the USA Whitehouse Website anything related to gay or bestiality
11. He picked a hard line "born again" as Vice-President because of his hatred for early termination of pregnancies! He believes abortion is death to a living human being and thus the USA policy by Obama to have your abortions done outside the soil of USA AND PAID BY THE USA was totally abolished by TRUMP!!
12. During Obama's reign Christians were slaughtered seriously all over the world especially in the Middle East and OBAMA DID NOTHING!! I mean NOTHING!! Obama is a "concealed" Islamic fundamentalist! He allowed the establishment of ISIS TO FLOURISH during his tenure and they were untouchable but under TRUMP within a year(actually 10 months)...ISIS now decimated in IRAQ and about to be annihilated in Syria but for the Russians! Obama insisted that aid or military support will only suffice "if and only if" African Countries abolish GAY LAWS...conclusively OBAMA DID NOTHING FOR AFRICA...nothing...NADA!! TRUMP has already donated warships to Nigeria and weapons to eliminate all forms of threats to sovereignty of Nigeria...under 10 months and about to assist in the repatriation of stolen funds from the US Soil!
13. He's deeply at loggerheads with Angela Merkel the German Chancellor for the policy of admitting 1 million refugees from the Middle East and as far as he's concerned GERMANY IS ENCOURAGING TERRORISM by allowing a safe-haven for terrorist! This has made Merkel to soft-pedal! He personally went to the Middle-East to warn them killing of Christians will not be tolerated and this as a fact has made Egypt to take threats to the Christians nau Coptics in Egypt to be protected
14. The backlash has exposed Quatar as a terrorist state sponsor which has imposed AIR...SEA and several bans on the sovereign state.
15. The economy of the USA especially the STOCK MARKET came to its peak from the moment TRUMP was sworn in as President and constantly closes its daily trades in TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS!!! Never in the history of USA has that been achieved
16. No special interest or group can do anything to him that is why he TALKS ANYHOW TO ANYBODY OR GROUP!! He's not tied to any financial group which makes him call a SPADE THAT SPADE!!!
17. No one is doing anything or even protecting Christians in the U.K except TRUMP!!
18. No one is protecting Christians in any other country in the world except TRUMP! You tamper or touch a Christian anywhere in the world...YOU HAVE TOUCHED TRUMP and you will soon face DECIMATION as he has a WARMONGER called GENERAL "MAD DOG...WAR MONK JAMES MATTIS as his Defence Chief!
19. A Christian Organisation has been going through persecution in UK for months and UK did nothing as almost all the MAYORS are MUSLIMS so they sent a video to TRUMP as it's now a fact THAT AMERICA NOW HAS A CRUSADER IN THE WHITE HOUSE CALLED TRUMP!!!
18. Christians now feel SO SO RE-ASSURED that there's a CRUSADER OF THE HOLY CROSS AND CREED....

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