Wednesday, September 21, 2016


When the most celebrated couple in hollywood announced their divorce plan. the internet went rife with speculations. Many said the man must have cheated but the couple have not said that cheating is the main problem. Some said the man cheated at work where he was shooting a movie. The woman said that the man became addicted to alcohol became angry and violent and had to be divorced. This is not the first time an accomplished woman is showing the man the door at a point in her life when she needs the assistance of a man most. In this case, Angelina Jolie has 3 children with Brad Pitt and three other adopted children but now prefer to be a single mother with sole custody of these children. Many women misunderstand men. Many men misunderstand women too. The usual story is that a woman gradually lose interest in sexual activities, begin to focus more on raising children and career, Her body and emotion also play trick on her as menopause approaches in some cases. At this point the man does not understand what you are going through and is inadvertently  getting sexually frustrated. However because the woman is too busy or absent minded, the man keeps the tension bottled up. At that situation, any other female that attempts to seduce him will succeed. A good man may not make the first move but he will make the second and the third move. Once he has cheated he will feel rejuvenated and the wife will notice and begin to either feel jealous or worried or angry. From there the relationship will tumble downhill.  Therefore the cheating is always a symptom and not the disease. The main problem is usually vague but people should show more charity. If people communicate more, care more and sacrifice more, they may always have their marriage when they need it most.  The number of children is also a factor. 6 children is not as easy as two children. You can do it alright but will you come out of it the same? This idea that divorce is a solution is false. The person that has been with you for so long will always be part of you. A man may feel the pain less once another woman has taken over but a woman will always remember such details

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