Monday, September 19, 2016


When Jesus Christ asked his followers to always take out the log of rotten wood in their own eye before trying to blow off the specks of dirt in another man's eye, He probably had Nigerian politicians in mind. These breed of human beings will stash Billions of dollars in foreign account and turn around to deceive ordinary Nigerians claiming to be champions of anti corruption fight. There is hardly any newspaper you pick up in Nigeria for the past 3 months that did  not show honourable Jibrin Abdulmumin making  detailed allegation of how budget padding was done and how much was diverted to a personal farm and how the speaker drilled a bore hole in his farm with government money. Meanwhile it has been discovered that Jibrin has over 1.5 million pound sterling in foreign account. Corruption has become endemic but those who kept their money in Nigeria have faith in Nigeria and those who keep their own loot abroad are at a different level. After claiming to have collected over 800 Million in  illegal money in House of Rep,  Jibrin said nothing until he was relieved of his duty as a committee chairman. We Nigerians appreciate what you are saying but we prefer to hear it from another person and we expect you to just shut up and resign because you are not an anti corruption fighter. You are in Abacha category, millionaire without portfolio just like many of you.

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