Sunday, July 16, 2017


President Erdogan of Turkey is not a stranger to controversy. In his latest utterances he succeeded in sending cold chills down the spine of anyone who willfully or remotely participated in a failed coup that took place around this time last year.

Among other things he threatened that coup suspects will be dressed in orange like inmates of the sinister Guantanamo bay prison in Cuba. He said that Turkey is a state governed by rule of law and that any bill that recommends capital punishment for coup plotters will be quickly signed and applied. He also implied that chopping off the heads of the coup plotters Sharia style would be the most satisfactory mode of capital punishment,

It is established  in Turkey that the number of people that have been arrested sacked from work and detained for the coup is almost almost approaching the "quorum" for formation of a small country. Did 60,000 people really conspire to overthrow a government? How come nobody heard about the conspiracy? This observation  calls to mind the question " Was it just a coup or was it a revolution?"

As a fall out from the failed coup, Turkey has already conducted a referendum that modified the constitution and gave the president the power to write some "decrees " and take other unilateral actions to safeguard the country's democracy.

Some analysts have quickly reminded Turkey that there is no way the county can go back to barbaric laws and still expect to be admitted into Europpean Union. Apparently Turkey is under consideration for membership of European Union since 1987. If the country continues to modify her democracy and laws  in  reverse direction, they may as well kiss Eu membership a goodbye.

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